needle skewered in testicle

needle skewered in testicle Torturing Testicles

Esticular skewering tlong needles. Slavegirl gets needles. Needle Bitch
A collection of mine (and sometimes other people's) ball busting stories, as well comments and thoughts about Ball Busting, Testicle Torture, and all that kind of fun
Pins through Testicles
Esticular skewering tlong needles - Video.
Just wondering if anyone has skewered their balls and remained potent, as in able to have kids. It wouldn't surprise me that the nut still works fine if the needle
needle skewered in testicle
GameFAQs: Devil May Cry (PS2).Needles in Testicles - Page 2.
Ten years ago, any bloke who said he was obsessed with "ball playing" would be categorizing himself as a gym rat, or perhaps a softball league addict.